Where are the areas of Holmes County, Ohio, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and visit Lagrange, Indiana, are the largest settlements of Amish in the United States. The Amish have a strict framework of culture and an attitude that does not help especially with the modern secular culture and compromise that surrounds them. Many people believe that the Amish Amish because of their religion. Not so. The Amish are, because the order Amish.This is oral tradition from generation to generation, has approved a series of practices and guidelines in which they live their lives.
This depends on the community but does not cover things such as dress, marriage and dating, the roles of men and women in family and community as well as the latest technology is acceptable. The Amish believe that all men are equal in the eyes of God and that all things in his honor, and no other purpose. ThanResults lead things, vanity, egoism, and other unwanted emotions and behaviors that must be absolutely avoided. E 'for this reason that the Amish dress and live simply. Their houses are warm, but significantly, transportation, and is subjected to his unparalleled work ethic.
Children and families are at the center of the community. They believe that family is important. The new additions are welcomed with joy, and when the gifts are. The older generations are being treatedAt home, often in their homes, which was built as additions to the most important. This allows them to be close to family, because, if necessary, but maintain an independent lifestyle to be maintained.
Unlike many historic cities, it is based is that the oldest inherits the family business, it is usually the youngest. The father will provide for her children through the creation of a business of your own home or business. The community helps to build houses, barns, the community hasInsurance as a whole and all the help in the face of an emergency.
It 'true that the Amish are a religious community founded. They have their first origin in the Catholic and the Protestant Reformation in 1517. The Anabaptists were formed shortly after. A man named Menno Simons, a Dutch Catholic priest who led the Anabaptists, and scholarships were the Mennonites. Mennonites after Shun splintered on the issue and formed the Amishunder Jacob Amman. Because of the relentless hunt of the Church of the Reformation Protestant groups, has found the Amish and Mennonites protection of meetings in churches and homes instead took refuge in Switzerland and southern Germany. They moved to Pennsylvania at the invitation of William Penn, the freedom of religion offered in his colony of Pennsylvania.
The Amish also avoid modern technology. Everything looked not only for the impact they have on the individual, but onCommunity as a whole. These elements will be based on what he will do to assess the community, divides personal relationship, there will be no negative impact on the community itself all equipment has been maintained in this way. This is why some municipalities allow the use of certain technologies for field work item, such as generators to run the mills. Are only for the saws are needed to set up the wood for furniture and used for other purposes. It isthis type of commitment and discipline to their traditions, from which the Amish a people unique and lasting.
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